Intravenous Infusions

Oh my goodness, I feel like SHIT! Infuse me now!

🥴 unable to keep food and fluids down?

🤢 non-stop nausea?

🤮 persistent vomiting?

🛌 needing to take extend periods off work?

😭 weight loss, exhausted, constipated?

😬 worried, "is my baby getting anything?"

😌 desperate to feel like yourself again?

🩸 anemic and you need an iron infusion?

🏥 don't want to sit in the ED waiting room for hours to be told drink/eat more?

Looking to recharge and feel better?

Be more you with IV Infusion. Therapy! 

GROW.BIRTH.MOTHER. IV Drip Infusion & IM Injection services cater to your individual needs to infuse nutrients directly into your body for optimal absorption and to get you feeling energised and more towards the pregnancy/post birth glow. 

Relatable! I felt like ssshhhiiittt too! 

I was pale AF, boring, dizzy, starving but no appetite and ready to punch glowing pregnant women in the face.


Harsh I know, but I keep it real here and that is how I felt.

 I wanted my baby so bad, but I wanted my pregnancy and suffering over just as bad.

I should have gone to hospital and got hydrated, but I could not think of anything worse to do. I was NOT sitting in that waiting room. No way, no how.

Then in my last pregnancy, no one would touch me with a ten-foot pole and give my the iron infusion my body was screaming out for, just because I was pregnant!

Therefore, I've created the space I so desperately needed, as did so many of my past clients.

A welcoming space, that is warm, safe, non-judgemental and supportive by people who understand it.

A space where you do not have to jump through hoops to be infused for hydration or iron. 

🤰🏼Are pregnant or are within their first 7 weeks postpartum.
🤢 have overwhelming nausea and vomiting.
🤮 find it hard to keep fluids down.
🍽  are living off dry crackers
💀 feel non-existent. 
🤕 have consistent fatigue and headaches.
🗓 want a regular appointment schedule to keep that nausea, vomiting and feeling like SHIT at bay
👻 anemic or borderline anemic….no waiting for those numbers to fall here!
🥴 struggle to complete simple tasks, or to conduct everyday activities.
😵‍💫 feel dizzy, light-headed or ready to faint.
💊 are unable to tolerate or take the oral iron supplements.
😩 can't absorb the oral Iron supplements.
🩸may need an immediate increase in iron levels (especially during pregnancy or after birth).
🚫 want nothing that resembles an ED waiting room….no beeps just beautiful relaxing spa music.

The infusion clinic at

GBM is for women who:

Benefits of IV infusion therapy

⚡️Ease morning sickness
⚡️Minimises Nausea
⚡️Reduce vomiting
⚡️Improve hydration
⚡️More energy
⚡️Provide quicker relief from dehydration compared to consuming water orally
⚡️Increase your AFI (water around your baby)
⚡️Decreases constipation
⚡️Decreases risk of urinary tract infections
⚡️Replace fluids and vitamins lost during vomiting
⚡️Fights fatigue 
⚡️Mental clarity
⚡️Boosted immune system
⚡️Less muscle cramps 
⚡️Less headaches & migraines 
⚡️Better sleep
⚡️Breastmilk making


  • IV Hydration

    Water is like liquid gold for our bodies. It is needed for you to be properly hydrated so you can function in pregnancy! However, when your fluid levels are low, it can trigger many symptoms that make you feel run down and can take a massive toll on your health. Physically and mentally!


  • Anti Nausea + Vomiting

    According to HER (Hyperemesis Education & Research) and the ACOG (American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologist) the first step in HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) treatment is rehydrate regularly with IV infusion. Hydrating fluids + adding a vitamin B multi dose. Anti-nausea medication can also be included in your infusion to really kick HG's backside!


  • Iron Infusion

    Iron is vital in your bodily function and making your red blood cells. You need a lot more red blood cells in pregnancy for your growing baby & placenta. Or maybe your feeling weak after birth and bleeding (losing red blood cells). If your iron levels are low, you may feel tired, lethargic, unable to complete simple tasks, dizzy and short of breath.


Next Steps

  • STEP 1:

    Make an appointment with your GP to discuss your concerns/bloods

    **** If you need a blood test or want to know what bloods need to be tested - book in a short telehealth/phone call consult (bulk billed) to discuss and we will chop you out and give you all the deets. ****

  • STEP 2:

    Request an infusion and/or medication used to relieve nausea and vomiting or to increase your iron levels

  • STEP 3:

    Have your GP fill in the referral form (HERE) and prescribe you the medication needed (antiemetics or IV iron).

  • STEP 4:

    BOOK your appointment (HERE) with GBM Altona North Clinic

  • STEP 5:

    Head to the Pharmacy with your scripts and get them filled.

  • STEP 6:

    Bring your medication & referral form with you to GBM Altona infusion appointment.